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Daily News: Explore the new Yoga Club at TSO

In response to the health and wellness aspirations of our employees, TSO has introduced a Yoga Club within the company's premises.

Daily News: Explore the new Yoga Club at TSO

This initiative aims to offer women an opportunity to relax and prioritize their well-being after hard-working hours. Classes are conducted at 12 noon every Tuesday and Thursday, led by a reputable and experienced instructor who provides guidance based on a well-structured curriculum. Through these enriching and beneficial yoga sessions, we hope that our Tinhvaners will not only develop physical agility but also find mental relaxation after their daily tasks.

Daily News: Explore the new Yoga Club at TSO

Originating from India approximately 5,000 years ago, Yoga is more than just physical training; it's a discipline that nurtures both the body and the mind. It's a safe and effective approach to enhancing physical strength, flexibility, and balance. Moreover, Yoga has proven benefits like stabilizing blood pressure, improving blood circulation, reducing inflammation, alleviating symptoms of depression and stress, combatting fatigue, and even aiding those with asthma in achieving easier breathing. Additionally, Yoga practices help individuals regulate their breathing and focus on mindfulness, which in turn reduces stress and combats insomnia.

Daily News: Explore the new Yoga Club at TSO