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Tinhvan Software Participated in Japan ICT Day 2023: Expanding International Cooperation Opportunities between Vietnam and Japan

On October 31st, Mr. Pham Minh Duc, Director of BU1, and Mr. Abe Satoshi, Director of BU4, represented Tinhvan Software at Japan ICT Day 2023. This event is a collaboration promotion for Information and Communication Technology (ICT) companies from Vietnam and Japan, organized annually since 2007 by VINASA, VJC, and JISA. 

Tinhvan Software Participated in Japan ICT Day 2023: Expanding International Cooperation Opportunities between Vietnam and Japan 

Tinhvan Software takes pride in being a technology service provider with extensive experience in serving the Japanese market, becoming a strategic partner for many Japanese enterprises. In Japan ICT Day 2023, TSO was honored to be an official co-sponsor, affirming our position and reputation in both domestic and international markets. 

Tinhvan Software Participated in Japan ICT Day 2023: Expanding International Cooperation Opportunities between Vietnam and Japan 

Japan ICT Day is a significant event aimed at fostering development and collaboration in the field of information technology and communication. The event attracted the participation of over 300 conference delegates, more than 50 Japanese delegates, along with leading technology companies and experts from Vietnam, creating a platform for networking, knowledge sharing, and partnership establishment. 

Participating in ICT Day 2023, Mr. Duc and Mr. Abe had the opportunity to introduce TSO as well as advanced technology products and services to numerous international partners. In addition, two representatives of Tinhvan Software also participated in discussions and thematic forums within the framework of the event, sharing knowledge and experience in promoting and developing international cooperation opportunities in the field of information technology. 

Tinhvan Software Participated in Japan ICT Day 2023: Expanding International Cooperation Opportunities between Vietnam and Japan 

It is hoped that through this year's event, Tinhvan Software will continue to open a new chapter in expanding bilateral cooperation between Vietnam and Japan and achieve more successes with this "Land of the Rising Sun”. 

Source: Tinhvan Software