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Tinhvan Software organizes a training session on the 5S regulations for employees

On March 14th, Tinhvan Software held a 5S standards training session for all staff in Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, and Japan.

Tinhvan Software organizes a training session on the 5S regulations for employees

The 5S standard has long been known as a method of organizing and managing the workplace according to Japanese practices. 5S is an acronym for five Japanese words: Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, and Shitsuke, which correspond to the five English terms Sort, Set in order, Shine, Standardize, and Sustain. Through these regulations, businesses can build a solid management system.

The training was directly attended by Mr. Abe Satoshi - the Japanese Director with extensive experience working with leading Japanese enterprises, as well as a deep understanding of the local culture and meticulous, tidy habits; Ms. Thuy Dung - a quality assurance specialist also shared insights on implementing the 5S standard at the workplace.

Mr. Abe Satoshi started with the concepts of 5S and the significant benefits they bring, such as improved consistency in work quality, better time management, reduction of space waste, etc. Especially, the 5S standard not only helps enhance corporate culture but also contributes to the development of employees' soft skills, such as decision-making demonstrated by choosing necessary items and discarding the unnecessary, organizing and management skills, etc. He also provided realistic perspectives on how the Japanese apply these standards in work and daily life.

Tinhvan Software organizes a training session on the 5S regulations for employees

Furthermore, Ms. Thuy Dung continued the training by sharing specific examples of the evaluation and implementation process of the 5S standard within TSO's office. Through illustrative images, the staff gained a clear understanding and knowledge of this method and began applying it to their own workstations.

At the end of the training, the HR and quality assurance department will conduct guidance, inspection, and apply forms of commendation and reward for standard-compliant workspaces, also reminders and discipline for those that do not meet the standards. It is hoped that through this training, each Tinhvan Software employee will become more aware and sustain the 5S movement not only in the workplace but also in daily life.

The inspection process will be conducted weekly, starting from March 15, 2024.

Tinhvan Software organizes a training session on the 5S regulations for employees

Source: Tinhvan Software