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Business Trip to Japan of Tinhvan Software's CTO: Connecting and Developing

As part of the Go Japan 2024 strategy, from May 19th to May 27th, Mr. Tham Duc Thang, Chief Technology Officer of Tinhvan Software, embarked on a business trip to the "Land of the Rising Sun" – Japan. This week-long trip yielded many positive results and opened up numerous new opportunities for TSO.

Chuyến công tác Nhật Bản của Giám Đốc Công Nghệ Tinhvan Software: Kết Nối và Phát Triển

During his time in Japan, Mr. Thang had multiple meetings and work sessions with the company's key customers and also attended the NEXT TECH exhibition at Tokyo Big Sight. This event is a premier destination for businesses, developers, and technology experts worldwide to showcase, explore, and share the latest technological advancements. At this event, Mr. Thang, along with Tinhvan Japan, had the opportunity to promote and introduce advanced AI technology products developed by TSO and Japanese partner. These activities not only strengthened existing relationships but also unveiled many new collaboration prospects, a crucial factor for Tinhvan Software's continuous development and expansion in the international market.

Additionally, a highlight of the CTO’s business trip was the opportunity to meet with potential new customers. Leveraging his extensive technological experience and expertise, Mr. Thang introduced Tinhvan Software and presented advanced technological solutions, particularly the AI solutions the company is currently implementing. This helped customers gain a deeper understanding of TSO's capabilities, further solidifying the company's position in the field of information technology.

Beyond meeting with partners and customers, Mr. Thang also took the time to exchange ideas and learn about new technological solutions from Japanese experts and businesses. Japan is one of the leading countries in the field of technology. Therefore, learning from and applying advanced solutions from this country will help Tinhvan Software enhance its competitive edge and improve its products and services.

Chuyến công tác Nhật Bản của Giám Đốc Công Nghệ Tinhvan Software: Kết Nối và Phát Triển

The results of Tinhvan Software's CTO's business trip to Japan not only strengthened the company's position in the international market but also revealed many new cooperation and development opportunities. The successes from this trip will be an important steppingstone for Tinhvan Software and Tinhvan Japan to continue to reach further and conquer the "Land of Cherry Blossoms" in the future.

Source: Tinhvan Software