


Grocermart Ecommerce Platform

Ecommerce & Retail
OpenCart , PHP , iOS , Android

An e-fulfillment Centre for Business in Supply Chain to provide a platform for Omni Channel Retailing consisting of Webpage, Online Platform, and Mobile Application.

Grocermart Ecommerce Platform

Business needs: Client wants to develop an e-fulfillment Centre for Business in Supply Chain to provide a platform for Omni Channel Retailing consisting of Webpage, Online Platform, and Mobile Application. The project is a complete solution that TSO had been developing in a several months, even including the delivery tracking or personal store for each user.

Project Brief:

  • Develop a whole new website both front & back end. 
  • Maintain & support for 1 years

Technical challenges:

  • Real-time delivery tracking 
  • B2B complex portal 
  • 300 merchants, providers, 40 thousands SKU
