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Representatives from Tescom Visit the Headquarters of Tinhvan Software in Hanoi

On April 24th, Mr. Brynley Scully - Chief Technology Officer of Tescom visited the headquarters of Tinhvan Software in Hanoi. This visit marks a new milestone in the expansion and development of a robust partnership between the two parties.

Representatives from Tescom Visit the Headquarters of Tinhvan Software in Hanoi

Founded in 1997, Tescom is a leading professional IT service company specializing in software testing, quality assurance, and cybersecurity. With deep expertise and cutting-edge solutions, Tescom has become a trusted partner for businesses in Singapore and surrounding regions.

A highlight of the visit was a discussion focused on exploring potential strengths and collaborative projects. Both companies shared visions, strategies, and discussed the possibilities of supporting each other in future projects. The discussion also opened multi-dimensional perspectives on the IT market and workforce in Vietnam today, outlining the challenges and opportunities for IT companies in the digital transformation era.

Additionally, Tescom representatives had the opportunity to meet and interact with the team at Tinhvan Software, where they expressed high regard for the technological capabilities and professional work style of the TSO engineers and reaffirmed their trust in a long-lasting partnership.

Representatives from Tescom Visit the Headquarters of Tinhvan Software in Hanoi

The visit of Tescom to the headquarters of Tinhvan Software in Hanoi not only signifies a step towards close cooperation between the two companies but also reaffirms the capabilities and reputation of Tinhvan Software in the Singapore market and globally.

Source: Tinhvan Software