Lovely Ninja Story
Lovely Ninja Story is a simulation game which runs on iPod / iPhone / iPad.
- This game allows user to play the love simulation game and to interact with virtual character on game.
- Wide variety of Endings: The game ending depends on user’s selections during the game stages.
- High quality pictures based on each character’s story
- Added bonus: Opening Movie
- Mail from characters
- It is useful to learn Japanese/ English
Technical detail
Operating System/Environment:
- Windows NT: Windows Server 2003 / Windows 7 / XP / Vista
- Mac OS, iOS & x-code IDE
- Devices: iPod / iPhone (3G, 3GS, 4) / iPad (Original, 2)
- JAVA / X-Code, J2EE 5
- Appfuse 2, Hibernate, Spring, JSF libraries
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